Voices of KaribuPads

  • "Much appreciation to KaribuPads for reducing menstrual insecurities, and monthly costs of buying disposable pads. I feel so comfortable and convenient when I am in my cycle, and it is more friendly for the environment. I can say : reusables pads are much better than disposable ones.”

    -Lightness Kihonza, KaribuPads’ beneficiary

  • "What convinced me to support the project was the aspect of raising awareness on menstruation, educating the girls on what happens in their bodies during menstruation. The main outcome that I would really love to see is just empowered women coming out of this, women that are not ashamed about having a menstruation, women that are able to speak up when they have a problem.“

    -Jule Steinmann, donor

  • “Your project inspires us to normalize other topics that are considered taboo in the future. Because your project has succeeded in addressing not only a local but also a global problem and in ensuring ecological and social sustainability, you have convinced us of the winning prize."

    -Sophie Conus, member of the Young Caritas Award jury 2022

Facts and figures

On an average, a woman requires 16.800 disposable pads or tampons throughout her whole life.

Our sanitary kits are thoughtfully designed and include 4-6 reusable pads, 2 waterproof bags and a compact pouch.

9.600 disposable pads generate a substantial 144kg of waste.

Our reusable pads are designed to last, providing up to two years of use when used correctly.

9.600 disposable pads cost approximately TZS 4,200,000 (equaling to EUR/CHF 1,600)  

TZS 4,200,000 equals 2,100 warm meals at a local restaurant, providing a meal every day for over 6 years.

  • So far, 3,000 sanitary kits (12,000 pads) have been produced. We have already received funding for another 1,000 kits.

    Facts & Figures

  • RDO means Rural Development Organization and is our "partner organisation". RDO supports village communities in the southern highlands of Tanzania through a special orphan support programme (no orphanage), drinking water supply projects and vocational schools.

    Facts & Figures

  • The average woman uses 16,800 sanitary pads throughout her life.

    Facts & Figures

  • 48% of young women do not go to school during their menstruation due to lack of hygiene items, no disposal facilities, no access to water at schools or shame. As a result, they miss 1/4 of their education in just one year.

    Facts & Figures